Hire a sire to strengthen the genetic profile of your herd and get the benefit of 95-98% calving success.

We have more than 50 bulls available for hire/sale. Download the list and click on each animal to review their EBV and other details.

Cost to hire a bull is $3990 for eight weeks. Transport, insurance for the animal and all other costs are the hirer’s responsibility.  We also offer post-hire purchase options.

Once you have made your selection send us your inquiry and we will contact you directly to make arrangements.

Kia Ora Stud, Bungendore NSW

liveSTOCK for sale

Cows and calves in paddock 12, Kia Ora Stud, Bungendore NSW

Pure bred cows and heifers

These lovely animals are probably full bloods but are being sold as pure breds because either the dam or sire can’t be found on the AWA database. Were to be used as surrogates but surplus to requirements.

  • Larger cows $1500 (20)
  • Pregnant cows $1500 (10) – have been running with full blood bull, for reference see previous Facebook posts
  • Heifers $1200 (10)


Steer - Kia Ora Stud, Bungendore NSW

Full blood steers

Numerous. All at different stages of readiness, ranging from 250-800kg

  • $6.99/kg (final price determined after weighing)

Dorper sheep

  • Rams $200
  • Ewes $180
  • Lambs $110

Review the latest sales results in the market.

nitrogen dewal


Kia Ora Stud has developed one of the world’s largest repositories of semen and embryos of genetically clean Wagyu. Our collection is held in approved collection facilities and strengthened by a selection of more than 90 different bulls and over 100 cows.

Our success and quality is grounded in science. Working closely with veterinary scientists, selective breeding over generations has enabled us to remove all the negative traits known to Wagyu. Every calf is genetically tested and any showing signs of negative traits are excluded from our breeding programme. As a result, the genetics we offer are completely bad trait free.


KOS Aussie Beef is available in hindquarters and forequarters or half a beast with free delivery to the greater Canberra region. 

Noel had driven past the For Sale sign along the Kings Highway outside Bungendore, New South Wales, for years. He describes it as a ‘rubbish bush block on top of a hill with run down fencing’. But it was perfect for Noel. He wanted a challenge, a project he could ‘take forward’ and make his own, building it from scratch, and not simply buying a place already farming and in good shape.

The initial appeal of Wagyu was how relatively easy they were to produce, compared with almost any other animal.  Noel didn’t want to be nailed down with animals and be at the farm 24/7, such as during calving when ‘you have to be there for two weeks so you can look after the cows and calves’. Wagyu historically have small calves.

Normally, Wagyu farming is labour intensive. Noel set about creating infrastructure which made producing them less labour intensive. He installed fencing, chutes and dams to deliver plenty of natural water in paddocks which, c0upled with cell grazing which rests the dams, ensures clean drinking water always available. (There were only three dams on the property when Noel bought it; now there are many more.)

Correctly feeding Wagyu is also an important part of the process. Kia Ora Stud is a free range feedlot with an automated indoor feeding system Noel developed. Every steer on the property goes straight to the feedlot after weaning.

Originally thinking he would breed to sell. Noel found there was ‘a hell of a lot more to Wagyu’ than first appeared. He discovered the key to breeding Wagyu was using genetics.  He talked to breeders, vets, scientists, he ‘chewed their ears’ and he couldn’t get enough of it. What could go wrong with the breed? How could we fix it?

Learning that a significant challenge for Australian Wagyu is the small number of seed stock which has led to line breeding/inbreeding, Noel turned his attention to studying the resulting less desirable attributes, known as “bad traits”. A bad trait in Wagyu can refer to any genetic or physical characteristic that detracts from the ideal quality, flavour, or texture of the beef.

He was an early adopter taking on the challenge of  line breeding/inbreeding and focussing on genetics in his breeding programme. Now it’s commonplace to discuss genetics in the industry.

Thanks to Noel’s vision and entrepreneurship, today Kia Ora Stud is a leader in bad-trait-free genetics, animal welfare and land stewardship.